he has the gift of oratory 意味
- 雄弁の才がある
- he he 同氏 どうし 先方 せんぽう 彼 かれ あの方 あのかた
- has {人名} : ハス
- gift gift n. 贈り物, 進物; 天賦の才. 【動詞+】 I beg you to accept this gift as a token of
- oratory oratory n. 《文語》 雄弁術; 雄弁, 演説. 【+動詞】 They were carried away by his oratory.
- what he has to say 彼の発言{はつげん}、彼の話
- oratory oratory n. 《文語》 雄弁術; 雄弁, 演説. 【+動詞】 They were carried away by his oratory. 彼の雄弁に心を奪われた. 【形容詞 名詞+】 I hate all this after-dinner oratory. こういった食後のテーブルスピーチは嫌いだ the floods of campaign
- have suspicions that he has a lover 彼に愛人{あいじん}がいるのではないかと疑う
- he hasの縮約形 he's
- instruct someone that he has the right to (人)に~する権利{けんり}を持っていることを指導{しどう}する
- congratulate someone on the excellent job he has done in (人)が~で立派{りっぱ}な仕事{しごと}をしたことを祝う[にお祝いの言葉{ことば}を言う]
- give someone an inkling that he has failed 失敗したことを(人)にほのめかす
- give someone thanks for all he has done for (人)が自分{じぶん}のためにしてくれたすべてのことに対して感謝{かんしゃ}する
- person that has dug someone in where he is today 現在{げんざい}の状況{じょうきょう}に(人)を陥れた人
- search someone to see if he has a gun ピストルを持っているかどうか身体検査{しんたい けんさ}[ボディチェック]する
- take someone to pages that he has previously seen (主語)によって(人)は以前見たページに戻れる
- "he has the courage to speak up about what he thinks is right" 意味
- "he has the distinction of being an honorary member of the club" 意味
- "he has the ear of high officials in washington" 意味